All Missouri S&T students are welcomed on the Combat Robotics Design Team. Functioning as a full business we have subteams that cover everything from finances and administration, media coverage and outreach, to designing and building robots. No experience is required to join the team, older team members teach the younger students the ins and outs of combat robotics and give them the opportunity to learn new things, all you need is a positive attitude and a willingness to learn!

Start off by coming to a team info meeting or contacting us at Once you get a chance to meet some of our members you’ll be asked to join the team on, join the team’s Discord server, and pay our $20 dues to cover your annual t-shirt. From there you can join as many subteams as you’d like, take some shop safety trainings, and join in on some robot fighting fun!

The team has a spot for anyone’s interests on one or more of our 6 subteams. learn more on the About Us page.

Server shutdown notice: This server will be decommissioned on November 1, 2024. Site owners may read more about the shutdown on S&T Sites.